Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Easter Bunnies

Easter morning!
 Easter was fun this year but busy as usual! My little easter bunnies got lots of new toys and in return I made them put on these ridiculous little bunny masks. They were on for about 45 seconds so I'm shocked we got a few pictures of them. Alexander had a few pieces of candy in the morning and crashed pretty hard in no time at all. He recovered in the afternoon for some easter egg hunting with G-Ma (which we had to do twice because finding eggs once just didn't cut it). We found ourselves saying, "Well next year it is REALLY going to be interesting with 4 boys dyeing eggs, 4 boys running around looking for them, etc." But let's face it, we are in pretty interesting times now so we have to remind ourselves to stop and enjoy them now.

Strategy session with G-Ma during egg hunt

Our family
Hoppy little boys! :)

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