Thursday, March 1, 2012


Only a mother could be as excited as I am that Benjamin no longer needs cereal in his bottle!!
A little over two weeks ago he was being served each and every bottle with two heaping tablespoons of rice cereal in it, due to reflux. I believe he is now the chunkiest of the three because of that. It was around that time that I actually tried to cut down on the cereal to see if he had outgrown the reflux but when he threw up everywhere, I realized the problem still existed. That's when we went to see the cranio sacral therapist. After our first session, she suggested that we start cutting down the cereal gradually, which we have done over the past two weeks.  By yesterday, we were down to one small teaspoon of cereal in the bottle (which I was nervous about) and by chance (or a diminishing store of brain cells), I accidentally served Winston the cereal bottle and Benjamin the bottle with no cereal in it. He did great! So the rest of the day we fed him bottles without cereal and he continued to do great!! Next, we will start to take him off the meds. We went to therapy again yesterday and she said he is still a little twisted but definitely getting better. I am so thrilled about this, not to mention the past 5 nights of great sleep everyone has had. They have all been little angels and Benjamin overall has just been happier. The jury is still out on Winston, I think mostly because he has been teething like crazy (he cut another two teeth this weekend for a total of 4!) so it is hard to detect a happier mood for him.

All of you non-believers out there (ATTN: NATE!!!) pay attention - therapy is working! We go again next week. Maybe I will cut out meds then. Fingers crossed! xoxo

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