Yesterday was a day of great high's and low's, although I admit the low's could be much worse and we should count ourselves lucky. I took the triplets to their 15 month appointment. It was hectic and I was so glad to have my grandma and our nanny Jessica with us. We experienced temper tantrums that would knock your socks off during the 1 hour visit (which included a longer than usual wait) at the doctor's office. The boys were happy to be out and they proudly showed off their skills. But they also had some major fits when the wait (without snacks, for which I take full responsibility) became unbearable and they started to wonder what was behind closed cabinets and objects that were off limits in the patient waiting room. Then to top it all off, they got 4 shots which sent them all over the edge and we left with them all 3 wailing at the top of their lungs. When I finally got to work to start my work day, I was completely exhausted.
Theodore and Winston weighed in at 27 lbs, and big Benjamin was 31 lbs! They were all around 32" tall and between 70 and 95th+ percentile. Within the last week Theodore has shown real interest in walking and has started to make up for lost time. He is taking several steps now and even trying to walk to nearby destination points umprompted. Benjamin is getting better and better every day. It looks like they will also be true toddlers by Christmas!
My greatest high of the day was after dinner time when I was at the kitchen sink cleaning dishes. I paused when I heard giggles coming from the other room and realized all 4 boys were in there playing happily with each other. Alexander was talking and interacting with Benjamin, and the other two were chasing each other (playfully). My heart was heavy as I realized in that moment that we are finally getting to a place that I had always dreamed about: our children playing with each other and filling our house with laughter and joy. It was a wonderful feeling.
What life is like with triplets and a toddler, and the story of survival for four generations living under one roof.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Fall fun
Weather has mostly been amazing this fall so we have had some great times outside. The boys love to explore, whether its in our backyard, at a park, or the zoo. They can't get enough. When we go out with the triplet wagon we get lots of stares and people ask, "wow, I've never seen a wagon like that. I need one of those!" It is pretty great. We only wish we had a small u-haul to connect to the back to haul all of our gear too!
We had a great time at TVUUC trunk-or-treating at Halloween. The boys were monkeys and Alexander was Spiderman. Alexander even helped mommy carve pumpkins!
Babies with GMA the good witch |
Now for a progress report: Winston was a proficient walker by 14 mos. By 15 mos, Benjamin is able to walk from Point A to B but walking still isn't his primary mode of transportation like it is for Winston. He is very motivated though and is so proud of himself when he takes several steps in a row. Theodore on the other hand is not so motivated. He can definitely take steps and walk if he wanted, but he still isn't very interested. A few times we have praised him for when he does try but it's almost like he's too cool for school!
Winston |
Benjamin |
Theodore |
Sweet Alexander in Daddy's cap |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Growing pains
It is incomprehensible to me how fast time is flying. The boys are growing leaps and bounds. Everyday someone discovers something new, learns a new skill, or reveals a new personality trait. Over the last two months the babies have sailed through some exciting milestones:
The babies continue to amaze us. They have so much energy and love their independence, but remind me constantly that they also need lots of cuddles and kisses. And, last but not least.... WE HAVE A WALKER! Winston is walking everywhere and doing such a great job with it. He has amazing balance and is so cute when he brings me shoes (doesn't matter if they are mine, Alexander's, his, daddy's) for me to put on him. Benjamin is starting to admire the praise we give Winston for walking and is starting to show interest in walking. I have caught him standing and trying to balance, but hasn't taken steps yet. He has a blast (huge grins and giggles) when I hold his hands and help him walk. I predict he will be walking within the next month. Theodore, on the other hand, is completely unfazed by Winston's walking and has zero interest. He is pushing carts and trains now, which is an improvement, but when I hold his hands to practice walking, he immediately locks his legs in a sitting position.
All of this growth is accompanied with increased stubborness and mischief. They are little rascals I tell you, throwing food defiantly from their high chairs, pushing and shoving, insisting on constantly climbing stairs, and vying for momma's lap. They sure like their freedom and really enjoy it when we just give them free reign of the house. This really only works when 2+ adults are present.
Our sweet Alexander is 2 and a 1/2 and acts like it. He is talking in complete sentences, singing the ABC's (sort of), and most impressively puts puzzles together like a champ. He really enjoys it but it is almost impossible to do with the triplets hovering around trying to run off with the pieces. Alexander is interacting more and more with the babies, giving them hugs and kisses, tickling them, bossing them around, comforting them when they're upset, and learning how to share. The babies look up to him so much and act like they have died and gone to heaven when he loves on them.
His growth is also not without struggles. I think he struggles in particular with being a big boy and doing things on his own, and then still wanting to be held and babied. He has days where he is all smiles and sunshine, and then there are days where he just wants to be held and doesn't want to go to school. We all have days like that, don't we?
Halloween is around the corner and Alexander is so excited to be Spiderman. We got the costume a while back so he wears it almost daily. He is planning to go trick or treating with cousin next week. The babies are going to be monkeys, thanks to great-grandma finding cute matching costumes for them! Stay tuned for pics from Sat night when we go with GMA trunk or treating at her church.
- Getting rid of all bottles!! You better believe I had those boxed up and donated immediately.
- Transitioning fully to whole milk
- Consolidating their naps so they are down to 1 in the middle of the day (which coincides with Alexander's nap)
- Adding reading and snack as part of the bedtime routine.
bedtime snack (L to R: Winston, Theodore, and Benjamin) |
All of this growth is accompanied with increased stubborness and mischief. They are little rascals I tell you, throwing food defiantly from their high chairs, pushing and shoving, insisting on constantly climbing stairs, and vying for momma's lap. They sure like their freedom and really enjoy it when we just give them free reign of the house. This really only works when 2+ adults are present.
I honestly walked away for a minute and come back to these guys booking it up the stairs! There is now yet another gate propped up top block the stairwell entrance. |
His growth is also not without struggles. I think he struggles in particular with being a big boy and doing things on his own, and then still wanting to be held and babied. He has days where he is all smiles and sunshine, and then there are days where he just wants to be held and doesn't want to go to school. We all have days like that, don't we?
A in his Buzz Lightyear jammies! |
Alexander happy to be at Disney on Ice |
Monday, August 27, 2012
Happy Birthday x 3!
Alexander making birthday muffins |
We let them eat their muffins in their cribs and it was hilarious how each of them approached it. Benjamin stood up to receive his muffin and ate it immediately, he didn't even sit down to enjoy it! I barely had anything to clean up. He is my sweet little piglet. Winston was kind of perplexed about the whole thing, took a few bites then kind of rolled around in it. Theodore sat down with the muffin between his legs and quaintly picked at and ate his muffin. He is the epitome of cute.
Winston with muffin crumbs wondering what's going on |
Theodore with his muffin in bed |
Benjamin standing and eating on birthday morning |
Alexander was so funny about eating the muffins upstairs. We have a rule that you can't eat upstairs (because it is carpeted) and he was very concerned about the babies eating in their cribs. I told him it was a special occasion but he still wouldn't eat his muffin until I sat him down, put a blanket over his lap and assured him multiples times that it was OK. He gobbled it up very fast in case I changed my mind. :)
At one year, we have a great routine and things are so much easier than they were in the beginning. Alexander is more forgiving (although he still wants to rip their heads off sometimes) and seems to find more humor in the everyday chaos. We find special time with him and he really appreciates it. He is potty trained but has an occasional poo-poo accident and sometimes it is a struggle to get him to go when we need to leave the house, etc. All in all, he is thriving and Nate and I comment everyday what a great boy he is.
Benjamin is our chunky, cuddly teddy bear. He is tough and sometimes a bully, but he definitely has a soft side and loves cuddles. My dad nick-named him "rodeo" because of his fearless and fun nature. His deep chesty laughs crack us up and his eyes are so expressive. He weighed in at 28 lbs and 31" at his 1 yr doc appt. Benjamin is cruising well but not standing or walking alone yet. He is the biggest guy by far so I don't expect him to walk first.
Happy Benjamin |
Benjamin AKA "Rodeo" riding the pony at their birthday party |
Winston Winston Winston. This guy is a handful and I would say the biggest "momma's boy." When Winston is happy his whole body shows it. His face is so expressive and he has these fierce eyes that show you he is either up to no good (and very happy) or very upset. He is probably the most advanced and really close to walking any day now. He just needs a little more confidence but physically I think he could do it. I wonder if when he takes off walking one day the others will follow soon after. All of the boys adore Alexander but Winston is probably the most in awe of his big brother. In fact, I could see him aligning with Alexander when they get older and the other two boys pairing up (with Benjamin being the protector of Theodore). Winston weighed in at 25 lbs and 30".
They had an amazing birthday party. Lots of friends and family came to celebrate three amazing boys and the journey we have all had this year. Here are some pictures from that fabulous day.
My mom outdid herself as usual and made the cutest (and extremely yummy) circus cakes for the boys. |
Great-grandma got the boys their very own trains (shown here with Grandpa D) and they love them. |
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
How do I do it?
Everyone asks me, "How do you do it?" or they say something like, "I dont know how you're doing it." Depending on my mood, my response is usually something like, "Well, I just do it. It's amazing what you can accomplish if you have to." or "It's hard, but I just push through. It's getting better and the boys are so great. I am really lucky." Those responses all genuinely reflect how I feel but the truth is lately I'm not "doing it."
Before I explain, let me give a full disclaimer: working full time and running a household with four young children is the most difficult thing I've ever done but I would not change a thing. This crazy life that Nate and I have made for ourselves is the best thing ever. It is a daily struggle but it is worth it times ten.
Back to the painful truth.. I don't feel like I'm "doing it" because I am exhausted and there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do. I don't feel like I can do anything 100% and there are days when I feel like a failure in some if not all aspects of my life. Some days I feel like I accomplish a lot at work but then I go home and nothing goes right - kids are whiny and unhappy, the house is a mess, Nate and I are not on the same page, etc. On the flip side, there are days when everyone is happy and healthy at home, but I can't get anything right at work. This is the story of my life and I have accepted it, but lately my patience and confidence is wearing thin.
Alexander has these fits and wants to be held a lot lately, I think that is what has been especially wearing on me. I blame it on the terrible two's but I'm sure he also feels like he has to compete against his brothers for attention. The babies have been passing around this virus too that makes them cranky and clingy. There is really nothing I can do about either of these things except for give them lots of love. But momma is getting tired and somehow admitting to the world that I can't do it all makes me feel better. So there, I'm not doing it. And we're going to be just fine.
Before I explain, let me give a full disclaimer: working full time and running a household with four young children is the most difficult thing I've ever done but I would not change a thing. This crazy life that Nate and I have made for ourselves is the best thing ever. It is a daily struggle but it is worth it times ten.
Back to the painful truth.. I don't feel like I'm "doing it" because I am exhausted and there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do. I don't feel like I can do anything 100% and there are days when I feel like a failure in some if not all aspects of my life. Some days I feel like I accomplish a lot at work but then I go home and nothing goes right - kids are whiny and unhappy, the house is a mess, Nate and I are not on the same page, etc. On the flip side, there are days when everyone is happy and healthy at home, but I can't get anything right at work. This is the story of my life and I have accepted it, but lately my patience and confidence is wearing thin.
Alexander has these fits and wants to be held a lot lately, I think that is what has been especially wearing on me. I blame it on the terrible two's but I'm sure he also feels like he has to compete against his brothers for attention. The babies have been passing around this virus too that makes them cranky and clingy. There is really nothing I can do about either of these things except for give them lots of love. But momma is getting tired and somehow admitting to the world that I can't do it all makes me feel better. So there, I'm not doing it. And we're going to be just fine.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
A month later
Forgive me friends and family, for the last time I posted on this blog was a month ago. On June 9th, we moved out of the Nash/Anderson ranch to our new family of 6 Evans ranch. While we still have boxes to empty and pictures to put up, we feel right at home and very comfortable in our new house.
The boys have been amazing during this transition, in fact us adults have probably had a harder time than they have. I can only attribute the kids' confidence and security to the past 9 months of love they have received from grandparents and other supporters at the former ranch. For this, Nate and I are eternally grateful.
The babies love their new space and are still exploring the house. Last night for the first time we watched the babies chase and laugh at each other in the kitchen. It was pure pleasure for Nate and I to watch them interact with and make each other happy. At 10 and a 1/2 months they are starting to acknowledge and entertain each other almost as much as they annoy each other.
Alexander has taken ownership of "my house" and although he has hit the terrible two's, he has been a trooper through all the changes he has endured. He has not only moved into a new house, but he has transitioned into a big boy toddler bed, started "school," started wearing underwear consistently and going potty in the toilet, and got a trendy new summer cut. All of this and he continues to be a big helper and sweet big brother. Yes, there are times when he it is clear he wants to rip a baby's head off for trying to take his toy, but he shows great self-control and we are so proud of him.
I struggle daily with setting boundaries and establishing discipline for Alexander while making sure he gets a lot of love amidst the chaos at home. I have learned to praise him a lot when he has earned it and hug him a lot when he is struggling with how to express himself.
The triplets are so amazing. They are all crawling like crazy and pulling up on furniture at every opportunity. But each of them are special in different ways.
Benjamin is our biggest boy, the least agile but actually quite a quick crawler especially when he's in "chase me" mode. His biting has cut down, probably because we catch him and he responds to "No!" He chows down at dinner time, so much so that I am looking for where his food could possibly have gone. Benjamin is such a sweet boy and probably the most playful with Alexander.
Theodore is still the most sensitive and needs lots of hugs, but he is also most prone to be playing in the corner by himself for extended periods of time. He has the best fine motor skills but is probably the most clumsy with gross motor skills like cruising and crawling. He is most sure to brighten your spirit with a smile and his fro anyday.
Winston has been labeled the "alpha" because he is the toughest and acts as the leader, but he has lately also relished in lots in cuddles and kisses from momma. He is undeterred when Alexander scolds him from encroaching on his property because Winston is very focused and doesn't back down easily.
All four boys need cuddle time and I basically rotate them on my lap during play time. Someone always needs to calm down, needs some extra loving or comfort, and I am happy to provide it. They all respond to light-hearted fun and jokes. Remarkably they seem to be learning how to share. Alexander is learning how to "trade" toys that he wants for other ones to keep the babies pacified.
I am very proud of my boys and our new home. Come visit if you can!!
Unpacking the kids :) |
Happy and loving each other for the moment! |
Alexander has taken ownership of "my house" and although he has hit the terrible two's, he has been a trooper through all the changes he has endured. He has not only moved into a new house, but he has transitioned into a big boy toddler bed, started "school," started wearing underwear consistently and going potty in the toilet, and got a trendy new summer cut. All of this and he continues to be a big helper and sweet big brother. Yes, there are times when he it is clear he wants to rip a baby's head off for trying to take his toy, but he shows great self-control and we are so proud of him.
Outside watching daddy mow the grass. Let's hope he's still this interested when he's of lawn-mowing age. |
The triplets are so amazing. They are all crawling like crazy and pulling up on furniture at every opportunity. But each of them are special in different ways.
Benjamin is our biggest boy, the least agile but actually quite a quick crawler especially when he's in "chase me" mode. His biting has cut down, probably because we catch him and he responds to "No!" He chows down at dinner time, so much so that I am looking for where his food could possibly have gone. Benjamin is such a sweet boy and probably the most playful with Alexander.
Benjamin! |
Theodore |
Did I mention Theo is the messiest eater?? |
Winston |
I am very proud of my boys and our new home. Come visit if you can!!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Proud momma keep on rollin
We hit another milestone this week as the triplets turned 9 months old and the last to crawl finally decided to get up and go (Go Benjamin!) I am so proud of all my boys. The babies are good eaters although we have a picky one emerging. I swear all they want to do is eat what we are eating. Whereas it was heart-wrenching to wean Alexander off of the bottle at 1 year, I have a feeling it won't be as bad with these tough guys. They want to hang with big brother and bottles seem to get in the way. 3 more months, I will be glad to toss those forever!
All 3 are crawling at different speeds; think of a tortoise, a hare and some cute little animal in between (that would be Theodore :). All are sleeping well at night and have two solids naps during the day.
I am also proud that all 3 are pacifier free as well. I don't judge people who use them by any means, I just personally hate the darn things and never wanted to get them attached. So although the boys have never used them during the day, we had one last hold out who seemed dependent on it at night time (Benjamin again!) But last week we took it away cold turkey and he has been a champ.
At their 9 month appointment, Winston came in at 22lbs13oz and 29", Theodore was 23lbs6oz and 31.25", and Benjamin topped the percentile charts at 26lbs 30.25". They are all on track developmentally but I can't imagine what our 1 year visit is going to be like with these 3 guys all up on the doctor's table together. It was hard to keep them all up there safely, especially my wild child Winston!
Alexander continues to be such a trooper and I hope I never take that for granted. We move into our new home in 2 weeks and I worry the most for him. The babies will adjust but Alexander has grown so close to his extended family, I know he will miss them dearly. He loves, and I love watching him, making the rounds at night to say 'good night' to his grandparents and great-grandparents before bedtime. When we move we may have to call for the 'good nights' and kisses, but I know it won't be the same. I think Alexander's return to daycare is so important because he will have something that is his own and we can have special time together to/from school. I hope we get lots of visitors at our home this summer (HINT HINT) so he will feel special and attended to during this transition.
I am also proud of my brave grandpa who fought in the Korean War. Happy Memorial Day everyone.
All 3 are crawling at different speeds; think of a tortoise, a hare and some cute little animal in between (that would be Theodore :). All are sleeping well at night and have two solids naps during the day.
I am also proud that all 3 are pacifier free as well. I don't judge people who use them by any means, I just personally hate the darn things and never wanted to get them attached. So although the boys have never used them during the day, we had one last hold out who seemed dependent on it at night time (Benjamin again!) But last week we took it away cold turkey and he has been a champ.
At their 9 month appointment, Winston came in at 22lbs13oz and 29", Theodore was 23lbs6oz and 31.25", and Benjamin topped the percentile charts at 26lbs 30.25". They are all on track developmentally but I can't imagine what our 1 year visit is going to be like with these 3 guys all up on the doctor's table together. It was hard to keep them all up there safely, especially my wild child Winston!
Alexander continues to be such a trooper and I hope I never take that for granted. We move into our new home in 2 weeks and I worry the most for him. The babies will adjust but Alexander has grown so close to his extended family, I know he will miss them dearly. He loves, and I love watching him, making the rounds at night to say 'good night' to his grandparents and great-grandparents before bedtime. When we move we may have to call for the 'good nights' and kisses, but I know it won't be the same. I think Alexander's return to daycare is so important because he will have something that is his own and we can have special time together to/from school. I hope we get lots of visitors at our home this summer (HINT HINT) so he will feel special and attended to during this transition.
I am also proud of my brave grandpa who fought in the Korean War. Happy Memorial Day everyone.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Splish splash!
I have been working up the courage to put all three babies in the bath at the same time and this week we finally did it. All three had a blast splishing and splashing and getting water everywhere!
Theodore, Benjamin and Winston |
Big brother Alexander helped momma wash them too.
Two of the babies are mobile and crawling all over the place (Theodore and Winston.) Benjamin is content with just sitting and watching them roam around. He is such a big guy, his mobility is pretty much limited to rolling around like a beached whale.
Winston and Theodore exploring |
Although we are crazy busy right now, life is good and all four boys are happy. We have a new nanny coming on Monday for the babies - everyone cross your fingers that she is strong and patient enough to handle these boys!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Tough times
This week has been tougher than usual, physically and mentally. My work has been very intense and will be for the next 24 days. For those that don't know, I am working to get the local school systems' budget passed, which is requesting an additional $35million and require a tax increase. Our board took the very unique action of passing a resolution fully in support of this budget so that means all of my energy and time that is not dedicated to taking care of family, must be dedicated to getting this passed. The business community has a huge stake in getting this passed, and our community does too, but unfortunately it has been an uphill battle in this very conservative county with a mayor who is adamantly opposed. This is really my first time in a political campaign where I am fully invested and pushing on all fronts, all stakeholders, all avenues to get this accomplished. I have to remind myself to not take things personally, but it is hard when it impacts you and the future education of your 4 kids too. (If you're interested in learning more about this, go to
So work has been emotionally and mentally draining, the boys are good but towards the end of the week got sick, in the middle of the week the nanny declared she is quitting to take care of her sick son, so that meant I immediately had to find and interview nannies by myself because, oh yeah, Nate went away for 3 nights/4 days for work. Phew. Just typing all of this makes me tired.
There have been mornings this week where I feel sick to my stomach because of everything going on and the imbalance of pressure on me. I go to bed exhausted but all amped up because I know the immense challenge before me the next day. So I suck it up and press on because there is no time to sulk and feeling sorry for myself doesn't help a thing.
As I was speed-walking across downtown to make a luncheon, I realized everything in my life before now was just preparation for this moment. I look back and think of all the physical and mental struggles with which I've been faced: family divorces, moves, state tournaments in basketball and softball, break-ups, the summer I took the job at the Chamber, took the bar, and then got married, having all those babies in 3 years, etc. Those were all hurdles I faced and now I am stronger because of them. When people ask how I do what I'm doing now, it's hard to explain because I have the strength of all of those experiences behind me. You just do it.
But all those things were "practice" for my life. And now the stakes are so much higher. I only get one shot at making sure these kids are healthy and happy. I may only have one shot to get 1 of the top 100 largest school system's 5-year plan funded and give my and other local kids a chance to compete against their peers in the world. So I will try my hardest and when this experience is over, it will prepare me for the next.
For now, I will remain grateful for those 4 smiling faces I am greeted with when I get home in the evening. They make my world go round and make the toughest days just melt away.
So work has been emotionally and mentally draining, the boys are good but towards the end of the week got sick, in the middle of the week the nanny declared she is quitting to take care of her sick son, so that meant I immediately had to find and interview nannies by myself because, oh yeah, Nate went away for 3 nights/4 days for work. Phew. Just typing all of this makes me tired.
There have been mornings this week where I feel sick to my stomach because of everything going on and the imbalance of pressure on me. I go to bed exhausted but all amped up because I know the immense challenge before me the next day. So I suck it up and press on because there is no time to sulk and feeling sorry for myself doesn't help a thing.
As I was speed-walking across downtown to make a luncheon, I realized everything in my life before now was just preparation for this moment. I look back and think of all the physical and mental struggles with which I've been faced: family divorces, moves, state tournaments in basketball and softball, break-ups, the summer I took the job at the Chamber, took the bar, and then got married, having all those babies in 3 years, etc. Those were all hurdles I faced and now I am stronger because of them. When people ask how I do what I'm doing now, it's hard to explain because I have the strength of all of those experiences behind me. You just do it.
But all those things were "practice" for my life. And now the stakes are so much higher. I only get one shot at making sure these kids are healthy and happy. I may only have one shot to get 1 of the top 100 largest school system's 5-year plan funded and give my and other local kids a chance to compete against their peers in the world. So I will try my hardest and when this experience is over, it will prepare me for the next.
For now, I will remain grateful for those 4 smiling faces I am greeted with when I get home in the evening. They make my world go round and make the toughest days just melt away.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
2/3 of the way there!
We have been saying when the babies reach one year we will have made it. Well this week we reached 8 months so we are 2/3 of the way there. It is hard to believe. Each of the triplet's personalities are distinct and they are just dying to get up and go, more so than I remember Alexander being motivated to move at that age. That's probably due to the fact that they see him running around and they want to join him. Life was much slower back then, with one baby and a much quieter household. With one child nights seemed slower and more peaceful playing with Alexander. Now it is so fast paced and chaotic, we have to always be on our game.
At 26 months, ALEXANDER has definitely hit the "terrible two's" but it is more like the "trying two's." It's not exactly terrible but there are some moments where it seems like he is just trying us and pushing us to our limits to get a rise out of us. I can't figure out if its a response to sharing attention with the babies or his age. In any case, those times are still fewer than the good ones. When he is behaving, it is such a joy to hang out with him. He talks in full sentences and is very helpful, helping with the babies' bath time or taking out trash. We have conversations and he really understands them. It is harder to pull one over on him now too; we can't distract him from doing something we don't want to do with a simple command. He wants to know "why?" or "what's that?" He is definitely momma's boy though, every night he has gotten into this habit of asking me to rub his back. I usually give in because I know how good it feels and I know there will come a day when he won't ask anymore. He is still an excellent eater, you can definitely tell by his size that he doesn't miss too many meals. :)
At 8 months, BENJAMIN is such a loving boy with a chubby face and mouth full of crooked teeth. He is by far the heaviest little guy but also a real softie. He loves to dance and be thrown up in the air. Benjamin has a little stubborn streak in him though, he will straighen his body out instantly when he is not liking what is going on, which sometimes means he bumps his head on whatever is behind him. When he's done eating too, he is seriously done eating and he will let you know. He loves kisses and will break out into laughter that makes you laugh too.
At 8 months, THEODORE is the closest to crawling. He can get around by kind of dragging himself, a little like an army crawl. He still has punk rock hair that sticks straight up like Alexander's did. He has the least amount of teeth, right now he is stuck at two bottom teeth, and 1 1/2 trying to come out up top. Theodore is definitely our most sensitive boy. He doesn't like being tossed around like the other two and he holds very tight when you are holding him. He is also the only one that seems very nervous about Alexander. The other two just adore Alexander and watch his every move. Theodore definitely shows fear that he might be crushed by the big brother monster! But Theodore is not all innocent - he is infamous for stealing the other guys' toys. They look at me as if to ask "what are you going to do about him, mom?!"
At 8 months, WINSTON has the biggest smile with 6 big teeth and is still the leanest of the three. He also holds tight when you hold him and he is always trying to find a way to stand up. He has been showing this serious face lately. It's not sad or angry, just very serious and thoughtful about everything going on around him. He also likes to dance and spin around. Winston doesn't laugh very often, but when he does you know you are special and that he loves you.
All 3 babies will be crawling in no time. I find them all rocking on their fours and then splat! They are all great eaters and sleepers, too. We are especially lucky for both of those things. They also all have great motor skills, some better at some things than others. All are babbling and all of them try to pull up on me and when they all do at the same time, it's a funny sight. They are all definitely momma's boys. Yesterday we introduced cups and finger foods. They have no idea what to do with either.
At 26 months, ALEXANDER has definitely hit the "terrible two's" but it is more like the "trying two's." It's not exactly terrible but there are some moments where it seems like he is just trying us and pushing us to our limits to get a rise out of us. I can't figure out if its a response to sharing attention with the babies or his age. In any case, those times are still fewer than the good ones. When he is behaving, it is such a joy to hang out with him. He talks in full sentences and is very helpful, helping with the babies' bath time or taking out trash. We have conversations and he really understands them. It is harder to pull one over on him now too; we can't distract him from doing something we don't want to do with a simple command. He wants to know "why?" or "what's that?" He is definitely momma's boy though, every night he has gotten into this habit of asking me to rub his back. I usually give in because I know how good it feels and I know there will come a day when he won't ask anymore. He is still an excellent eater, you can definitely tell by his size that he doesn't miss too many meals. :)
At 8 months, BENJAMIN is such a loving boy with a chubby face and mouth full of crooked teeth. He is by far the heaviest little guy but also a real softie. He loves to dance and be thrown up in the air. Benjamin has a little stubborn streak in him though, he will straighen his body out instantly when he is not liking what is going on, which sometimes means he bumps his head on whatever is behind him. When he's done eating too, he is seriously done eating and he will let you know. He loves kisses and will break out into laughter that makes you laugh too.
At 8 months, THEODORE is the closest to crawling. He can get around by kind of dragging himself, a little like an army crawl. He still has punk rock hair that sticks straight up like Alexander's did. He has the least amount of teeth, right now he is stuck at two bottom teeth, and 1 1/2 trying to come out up top. Theodore is definitely our most sensitive boy. He doesn't like being tossed around like the other two and he holds very tight when you are holding him. He is also the only one that seems very nervous about Alexander. The other two just adore Alexander and watch his every move. Theodore definitely shows fear that he might be crushed by the big brother monster! But Theodore is not all innocent - he is infamous for stealing the other guys' toys. They look at me as if to ask "what are you going to do about him, mom?!"
At 8 months, WINSTON has the biggest smile with 6 big teeth and is still the leanest of the three. He also holds tight when you hold him and he is always trying to find a way to stand up. He has been showing this serious face lately. It's not sad or angry, just very serious and thoughtful about everything going on around him. He also likes to dance and spin around. Winston doesn't laugh very often, but when he does you know you are special and that he loves you.
All 3 babies will be crawling in no time. I find them all rocking on their fours and then splat! They are all great eaters and sleepers, too. We are especially lucky for both of those things. They also all have great motor skills, some better at some things than others. All are babbling and all of them try to pull up on me and when they all do at the same time, it's a funny sight. They are all definitely momma's boys. Yesterday we introduced cups and finger foods. They have no idea what to do with either.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
My Easter Bunnies
Easter morning! |
Strategy session with G-Ma during egg hunt |
Our family |
Hoppy little boys! :) |
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